7th of July, 2009. Hotel management at the BEST HOTEL schools of the world. We invite you to free consultation on official registration of papers on Hotel Management Educational Programs to Switzerland, Spain, Australia, China, the USA. Consultation takes a part on July, 7th, 2009 from 11.00 to 20.00 in the office of Open World Education Group. Our company co-operates with leading hotel schools of the world, particularly with LES ROCHES International School of Hotel Management and GLION Institute of Higher Education – hotel management in Switzerland, Spain, Australia, China and the USA. Les Roches and Glion according to the British research organisation Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) enter into a three of the best hotel schools of the world. The school of hotel management Les Roches besides Switzerland has also branches in Marbella (Spain), Chicago (USA), Canberra and Sydney (Australia) and Shanghai (China). Glion Institute of Higher Education has programs in hotel management, and also in such areas like event management, sports management and entertainment management. Kinds of educational programs: Language Courses, vocational training (SHA Diploma, Associate Degree), higher education (BBA/BA, BSc), post-higher education (Post-Graduate Diploma, Higher Diploma; MBA, Master of Education). Consultation takes a part on 7th of July, 2009 in Moscow, from 11.00 to 20.00 Address: Moscow, Kalashny, 14. The additional information and preliminary appointment: (495) 690–0540, 690–1951, 690–5052, 792–5125, mail@open-world.ru, www.open-world.ru. WE ARE GLAD TO MEET YOU!
22 Jan 25
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