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Education in USA, Australia, Canada seminar and meeting with universities in Moscow!

10 ноября - Семинар по высшему и пост-высшему образованию в США, Австралии и Канаде и встреча с представителями университетов!

We would like to invite you to the Study Abroad seminar on 10 November 2016 at 18:00. Address of the event: 5 Vetoshny Per., office 202, Moscow, Open World Education Group (M. Teatralnaya, Pl. Revolyutsii).

The representatives of Southern Cross University (Australia) – Jaroslav Pullman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA) Brent Schmoker, Brandeis International Business School (USA) Kristen Siefers, EduCo Igor Velicky will take part in the seminar.

You will receive information about the following institutions/ programs:

University of Maryland, Baltimore

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

University of St. Thomas

Brandeis International Business School

Acsenda School of Management

Arbutus College

Bay State College

CIC – Higher Education, Vocational and English

Claremont Graduate University

Iona College

Southern Cross University

Strathfield College Sydney/ Melbourne

Open World Education Group is the official representative EduCo and partner universities/ colleges in Russia.