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Rankings of foreign boarding schools, universities and business schools (MBA)

Rankings of foreign boarding schools, universities and business schools (MBA) At this section we will place different rankings and league tables of foreign educational institutions. Education abroad grasps a great number of different offers, connected with studying at foreign private schools, colleges and universities. Rankings of foreign boarding schools and universities help us to orientate ourselves in the world of international education to choose the most suitable variant for every student.

What is ranking? It is an order indicator which reflects the attractiveness, popularity or quality of different objects or happenings. To be №1 in schools or universities rankings - is to be really the best educational institution judging by objective indicators and specialists’ ratings.

How rankings are made up? Annual rankings compliers make students and specialists questioning and also investigate and compare such indicators as: contentment with teaching, students vs. tutors ratio, college or universities graduates employment statistics, final average marks of graduates, level of entry requirements, cost of tuition, reputation, quality of scientific researches, etc.

Open World Education Group will be glad to help you in choosing the right school or university!