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IED Madrid starts Grants Competition covering 100% course fees for the 2012/13 academic year: One-Year Course in Total Design and Fashion Communication!

Offer date closed  17 July 2012

IED Madrid проводит конкурс на получение 100% стипендий на обучение - годичные дипломные программы Total Design и Fashion Communication!

Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid Grants Competitions for One-Year Course in Total Design and Fashion Communication:


Total Design in English

Total Design in Spanish

Fashion Communication in English


To take part in the Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid Grants Competition please write a text in English or Spanish on the subject of “Crisis”. Send it along with an image that reflects, through a design or a fashion concept, your entire creative baggage.

If you send an image, it can be in any format: photograph, image, jpg drawing (rgb), 593×800 pixels.  Fill in the form and send us your proposal following the instructions specified.

Project submission deadline: Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 at 18:00 p.m. GMT+1.

Winners announcement: Friday, July 20th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. GMT +1.


The judges’ decision will be published on the website and will be directly communicated to the winners by phone or e-mail.  The winner will be announced on the home page of the IED Madrid.

For further information please contact Open World by phone +7 495 228 0300.