Offer date closed 01 June 2018

George Mason University offers for Russian students scholarships for Pathway programs from 5000 USD to 12000 USD.
George Mason University was named the honor of George Mason, one of the authors of the American Bill of Rights. The university was founded in 1972. It is one of the largest state universities and has 33,500 students.
George Mason University (GMU) is located 45 minutes from the US capital - Washington, in the picturesque town of Fairfax, Virginia. George Mason University provides the opportunity to prepare and receive higher education in the US for international students.
The University provides the widest opportunities for education and study in various fields of science. More than $ 100 million per year is allocated for research.
George Mason University consists of 12 main faculties:
- Faculty of Education and Human Development
- Faculty of Health and Social Welfare
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Electoral and Performing Arts
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Conflictology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Politics, state management and international relations
- School of Engineering
- New Century College
- College of Degrees with Honors
George Mason University offers scholarships depending on academic achievement and grades:
5000 USD for 1 semester Pathway
10000 USD for 2 semester Pathway
12000 USD for 3 semester Pathway
Also students can apply for an additional scholarship up to 10000 USD.
Open World Education Group is the official representative of George Mason University in Russia.
For detailed information about the enrollment process, please contact: tel. (495) 228-0300, . You can also fill out the online registration form below.