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Hot discounts for Russian students from the Stafford House International!

Offer date closed  31 August 2020

Горячие скидки для студентов из России от сети языковых школ Stafford House International!

Stafford House International offers a 30% discount on English courses in the UK and Canada, as well as a 40% discount on online English courses!

Stafford House International is one of the most famous online English language schools. It is part of the Cambridge Education Group.

Stafford House International offers a 30% discount on tuition fee at all schools in the UK and Canada for all English courses booked before 31.08.2020.

Stafford House International language schools in the UK: London, Brighton, Cambridge, Canterbury; in Canada: Toronto and Calgary.

Stafford House International also offers 40% discount on any online course booking before the end of August!

For more information: +7 9858804017 WhatsApp/Viber,