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Lockdown in the UK

Что ждать от локдауна в Великобритании?

Great Britain is one of the world leaders in the economic, scientific, cultural and educational spheres. The country successfully carried out the necessary actions to combat coronavirus. But a new strain of Covid-19 has recently emerged in the United Kingdom.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the introduction of a new lockdown in England due to the increased spread of infection, reports the BBC.

According to him, this will help to take control of the coronavirus and help to deploy full-scale vaccination in the country. He warned that Britain is waiting for difficult times, but there is no need to lose optimism.

From January 5, all primary and secondary schools in England switched to a distance learning format. Universities after the holidays will also continue their work in the online format.

What to wish our students in the UK?

Patience, courage and health. Do not waste time, try to achieve more on online training! Quarantine is sure to end and you will have the opportunity to continue your study face-to-face as usual!