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Official Name:Chinese People’s RepublicPopulation:1.3 billion people
Capital:BeijingState language:Chinese
Form of Government:Communist StateAdministrative division:China has 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, 2 special administrative regions and 1 claimed province
International phone code:86Time difference with Moscow:+5 hours
Monetary unit:Yuan (CNY)Rate:1 CNY = 13.69 RUR




General information about the country.

China is a huge country located in Central and East Asia. In the north, China is bordered by the Siberian steppes in the south - with a tropical jungle. In the west lies a vast area of deserts and plateaus. China's coastline extends over 4,000 kilometers and covers the north Yellow Sea and East China Sea in the center and the South China Sea in the south. China's territory is 9,597,000 square kilometers. The capital of China - Beijing. China is People's Republic. Country is managed by National People's Congress and its standing body, the Standing Committee. Head of State is President of China.

Higher Education in China.

In China there are over 2 thousand universities, colleges and vocational high schools with an enrollment of about 9 million people. At the undergraduate programs, they study more than 5.5 million students in master's and doctoral - about 300 thousand students. More than 450 universities of the country have the right to take on foreign students. Some universities offer study in English, such as the famous institute of hospitality management, Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College.

Chinese universities play an important role in scientific research. If universities are more than 100 research laboratories and 36 state engineering centers.

Foreign students in higher education institutions have begun to take in 1950. Currently, 360 universities of the country's 31 provinces are trained over 78 thousand students from 175 countries around the world. Leader in the number of foreign students are the most prestigious universities - Beijing University (more than 4 thousand people) and Fudan University in Shanghai (more than 3 thousand people).

Universities of the country provide three levels of higher education. The first stage involves 4-5 years of education and ends with awarding bachelor's degree. The second - is designed for 2-3 years of training and completed the assignment the degree of Master (Magister). The third stage involves 3 years of study and completes the assignment of the degree of Doctor of similar PhD. Receive it involves examinations in core subjects of the training and implementation of an independent research project.

The main language of instruction is Chinese (although some master's programs you can learn and in English), so training is usually preceded by 1-2-year course in Chinese language. Language proficiency for admission to the language courses is irrelevant.